Sunday, January 08, 2006

Well, I've been poked by no_average_girl. So, I poked Sob' ah, Radical One, Berrymom2005, and christfollower2. If anyone I poked needs to know what to do, here goes. You have to list 5 weird things about yourself, and then poke 4 other people. Here goes:

1.) I like to dip my french fries in honey mustard. It really tastes good!

2.) I actually don't mind when I get injured in Karate. Sick, I know, but's all an experience to me! No pain, no gain, right?

3.) I love to read stories on It's really fun, and I especially love stories about movies and books.

4.) Sometimes I'd rather play with my 8 and 6-year old nephews than talk with people my own age.

5.) I love to quote movie lines all the time. My sister does it too, so sorry Chum, you can't write this on yours! It's not too weird, but I can't think of anything else. Oh well.


no_average_girl said...

i guess you saw my post on being afraid i'm going to hit too hard at karate? lol my instructor is like, "if they can't take the hit, they don't need to be here! someone needs to send them home anyway!"

~Jennifer said...

ya call that stuff weird? Actually, I think weird is normal. Weird is good. :-)

Radical One said...

hey girl! thanks for the "poking" hehe! i will get my 5 weird things up soon!

and i'll have to try the honey mustard and fries..i love them both should be a good thing,eh?

stay sweet and keep it real!

Radical One said...

alrightie! i got my "weird" post done for ya!

so, i noticed that you're into martial arts, too. what rank or belt?

have a blessed day!